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Location: Brussels, Belgium

Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Bit 3.1

Not fair.
I feel like I've been thrown in a cement mixer with a ten tonne weight and left to rotate slowly for a few hours.
OK first things first...left fingers move alright. Right fingers...ok. Maybe if I try and sit up...

Hmmm. Think I may have passed out there again. Mental note. Do not move.
Really want to open my eyes but don't think I can. Can I speak?
"Mmmph". Hmm. Lips seem at least eight times their normal size. Check the teeth...Jesus that hurts. Still, they all seem to be there, at least the front ones. Let's try again.
"Hey, he's back with us!" So Rob's here then.
"Bleed on my car and I will do you harm." And that would be Dmitri then.
"I think he's already had harm done to him D."
Ain't that the truth.
"Where the bloody hell did you bugger off to?!" Or at least that's what I tried to say. I think it came out more like "Mmmph Mmmph!"
"I'm not stupid, Remi, there was no way I was getting myself kicked." So he understood then? "I ran off and called D to pick us up. You weren't exactly going to be getting the bus home."
"Yes, because what I really needed after a long day patrolling the suburbs was to come back out here and pick up my backwards friends who thought they'd play chicken with the lunatics."
Getting the impression Dmitri isn't happy.
"I mean..," He's REALLY not happy. You're lucky to get two sentences out of him in an evening, let alone back to back. " many times have I told you? Don't. Go. To. Guinevere. It's simple to understand. I can understand it. Kate can understand it. You two can't. Cretins."
Oh. Kate...somehow or other I don't think she'll go for the elephant man look. Oh well, maybe she'll see my injuries and it'll move her into declaring her undyingand long-repressed love for me.
"Don't blame me, D" Thanks Rob. "Fool boy here wanted to avoid Kate and Mike." Go, solidarity.
"Well, he's buggered now then isn't he?"
Oh God. What's happening. "Mmmph?"
"We're getting you home first." So far so good.
"Kate and Mike came home as soon as D let them know." Yay! Go me! Ruined their date! "Mike's going to check you out, see if you need the hospital."Oh nonononononononono."
''m pre'y ba'. Nee' 'osfita'." This speaking lark is getting easier.
"You're not going to hospital unless there's no other option."
Oh please Rob. I need your help more than ever. Break my arm. Please!
"Anyway, we're back now."


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