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Location: Brussels, Belgium

Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Bit 3.5

It's a beautiful day. I wish I didn't have to go into work.
The park at this time of year is gorgeous. The grass is like a sprung mattress, it's so comfy.
It's quite funny seeing how it's all divided up though. West side is full of workers from the government offices. South side is full of IPC staff. Between us, I think we manage to scare the tourists off into the other bits.
Glad I took this morning off though. It was hard enough getting dressed, let alone catching the bus. And what with these bandages...I'm boiling. I feel like I'm wearing a corset. I'm not looking forward to standing up.
It's not as if I'm needed desperately - after all, it is the off season. I'll just carry on helping out here and there, making stupid bets on what I can get into the dailies. God knows what I'm going to find for the Temp to do. I suppose I could stick her on sub-ed work, give her a bit of a taste of IPC life. Mind you, Harry or someone's probably set her something to get on with already. Maybe I can just bunker down in my room and avoid as many people as possible. I don't particularly want to be stared at. Though a few sympathy hugs from some of the ladies wouldn't go amiss.
Oh. Talking of the ladies, here comes one of them now.
"Hey Mary! On your way back from lunch?"
She really is pretty nice, you know.
"So this is where you've been all morning then?" And funny too. "Some of us have been worried about you, especially given some of the stories Rob's been spreading around."
"What's he been saying then?" Normally I don't go in much for short hair on girls - I kind of go for the long, flowing red hair. But Mary's got just the right shape face to carry it off. And it's really catching the light today.
"I'll tell you on the way back to the office. You coming?"
I'm hardly going to say no to an offer like that. Only problem is...
"Do you want a hand up off the grass?" She leans in closer to whisper, and I can smell her scent. It's kind of like summer fields full of flowers. "I promise I won't tell anyone you needed help standing up!"
And she winks, one her deep blue eyes momentarily obscured. Yes, she really is pretty foxy.
"Very kind of you." She's slipped her arm in mine now. Interesting how casually she did that.
"By the way..." Oh, here we go again.
"...I was planning on going out for a drink after work tonight..."
I can't keep turning her down, it's cruel. And a bit stupid of me, looking at her today.
"...and, well, I was wondering if you're free?..."
Maybe I should just say yes. You never know.
"...I mean, I know you're probably on medication and can't drink..."
What have I got from my infatuation with Kate? Stitches, broken ribs, and depression.
"...but we can always just sit in the park with a can of something..."
Maybe it's time I moved on.
"...after all, it's supposed to be a lovely evening."
Got over Kate.
"Thanks Mary. I'd probably best not, though. Need to rest up a lot."
You absolute fool.


Blogger Unknown said...

You know what, I can't help feeling this guy seems a little immature in his over-sensitivity to people's reactions to him. Just seems incongruous sometimes, comparing some of his thoughts and the fact that he seems to be a figure of some responsibility and confidence.
Just a general feeling I get, that he doesn't quite feel real.

5:21 pm  

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