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Location: Brussels, Belgium

Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Bit 3.6

Hmmm. That wasn't hugely comfortable.
I'm doing the right thing though. It just wouldn't be fair to go out with her when I'm so preoccupied with someone else.
But it doesn't make turning her down all the time easier. She hid it well, but I think she was a bit upset. Ah well, never mind, one of the advantages of having my own office if that I can stay locked in here and no-one will bother me much.

That was tempting fate wasn't it? "Come in!"
It's Graeme from finance. That's disappointing - it's normally Mary. She does make budgets seem far more appealing.
"Afternoon Remi. Missed you at the lunchtime brawl." Ah yes, the lunchtime rugby. Graeme started it, which isn't hugely surprising. The man's huge, no-one can take him down without breaking a limb. I know from cruel experience.
Ah well, might as well get the retaliation in before he passes comment. "I trust Rob's filled you in on my stylish new appearance."
He's got a loud laugh. "He said you got run over when drunk." Git. "Said you can't take your ale these days."
"He's talking out of his arse. Anyway, where's Mary? I thought she normally came round with this stuff?"
Eyebrow-raising. That's not a good sign.
"Someone upset her a bit at lunch. She's doing some spreadsheet work instead." They're a tight team, the finance lot. I'm getting the impression that Graeme wants to try drop-kicking this particular someone's head. Best not tell him it was me then.
"Oh well. I'll take a look through these figures this afternoon and get them to you before the end of today."
"Thanks Remi. I'll tell Mary you asked after her." I feel that might not be a great idea.

The office was surprisingly busy considering it was summer. Doesn't anyone take any holidays any more? Needless to say though, none of my team were about, pack of lazy wasters that they are. Actually, no, that's unfair, they're all out helping out in different sections at the moment. I wonder what they found the Temp to do?
"Mr Mistry?"Ah, think of the devil...
"Hello. Jenny, right?"
"Yes sir. Harry said I should come up and introduce myself."
Eager. But this "sir" business just makes me feel old. "Pleased to meet you. And don't bother with this "Mr Mistry, sir" lark. I'm Remi, not your teacher. "
"Technically, you are my teacher."
Smart girl. "I walked into that didn't I?"
Nice smile too. Stop it.
"You did rather. Nice to get to meet you properly at last. I've heard a lot about you. I should point out mostly from Rob Jones in the Photography section."
Oh no. "What did he say?"
"He said that you got drunk of a pint of beer and walked in front of a car." Git. "And what did you think about that?"
"Not wanting to criticise a colleague on my first day, but I think he's a bit full of sh...himself."
I think I'm going to like her.


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